Scientific Papers
- Andreetto M., Divan S., Ferrari F., Fontanelli F., Palopoli L., Prattichizzo D., Combining Haptic and Bang-Bang Braking Actions for Passive Robotic Walker Path Following, (to appear)
- J. Scheiblauer, M. Joksch, J. Tranninger „Deriving characteristics from biosensor data for a User State Model of an Ambient Assistant Living device” User Model User-Adapt Inter (2018)
- B. Villalba Frı́as, L. Palopoli, L. Abeni, D. Fontanelli, The PROSIT tool: Towards the optimal design of probabilistic soft real–time systems, Journal of Software: Practice and Experience (SPE), 2018. To appear
- T. Lisini Baldi, S. Scheggi, M. Aggravi, D. Prattichizzo. Haptic Guidance in Dynamic Environments Using Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(1):265-272, DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2017.2738328, 2018 Open Access Link
- M. Rodas Britez, D. Lissoni, M. Marchese, An evaluation framework for groups’ clustering algorithms in social networks. The use case of a Meetup dataset of older adults, accepted for publication in Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Novembre 2018 (to appear), Open Access Link
- M. Valdés-Aragonés, P.A Moreno, R. Pérez-Rodríguez, M. Oviedo-Briones, S. Walter, N. García-Grossocordon, L. Rodríguez-Mañas, ACANTO Project: recruitment description on elderly admitted into Geriatrics departments through the use of a robotic friendly walker, 14th Congress of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS), October 2018 [to appear]
- M. Valdés-Aragonés, R. Pérez-Rodríguez, M. Oviedo-Briones, P.A Moreno, S. Walter, N. García-Grossocordon, L. Rodríguez-Mañas, ACANTO Project: Short Physical Performance Battery evaluation after intervention with a Friendly Robotic Walker (FriWalk) during admission in Acute Care Unit and Orthogeriatrics Unit, 14th Congress of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS), October 2018 [to appear]
- C. Panagiotakis, G. Karvounas, A.A. Argyros, Unsupervised Detection of Periodic Segments in Videos, In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2018) (to appear), Athens, Greece, October 2018.
- A. Antonucci, D. Fontanelli, Towards a Predictive Behavioural Model for Service Robots in Shared Environments, IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), September 2018, (to appear) Open Access Link
- E. Bertolazzi, M. Frego, On the G2 Hermite Interpolation Problem with clothoids, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, July 2018,
.2018.03.029 - C. Panagiotakis, K. Papoutsakis and A.A. Argyros, A Graph-based Approach for Detecting Common Actions in Motion Capture Data and Videos, Pattern Recognition, Elsevier, vol. 79, pp. 1-11, July 2018, Open Access Link
- E. Bertolazzi, M. Frego, On the distance between a point and a clothoid curve, 2018 European Control Conference (ECC), June 2018
- M. Frego and P. Bevilacqua and E. Bertolazzi and F. Biral and D. Fontanelli and L. Palopoli, Efficient Re-planning for Robotic Cars, 2018 European Control Conference (ECC), June 2018
- D. Bautembach, I. Oikonomidis and A.A. Argyros, A Comparative Study of Matrix Completion and Recovery Techniques for Human Pose Estimation, In International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA 2018), ACM, pp. 23-30, Corfu, Greece, June 2018, Open Access Link
- T. Lisini Baldi, G. Paolocci, D. Prattichizzo. Human Guidance: Suggesting Walking Pace Under Manual and Cognitive Load. Haptics: Science, Technology, and Applications. EuroHaptics, June 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10894: 416-427, Open Access Link
- S. Catalano, Development of a pick-up system for a robotic walker, Bachelor Thesis Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science – University of Trento, July 2018 (to appear)
- P. Bevilacqua, M.Frego, D. Fontanelli, L. Palopoli, Reactive Planning for Assistive Robots, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, April 2018, Open Access Link
- V. Magnago, P. Bevilacqua, L. Palopoli, R. Passerone D. Fontanelli, D. Macii, Optimal Landmark Placement for Indoor Positioning using Context Information and Multi-sensor Data, IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), May 2018, Open Access Link DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2018.8409809
- V. Magnago, M. Andreetto, S. Divan, D. Fontanelli, L. Palopoli, Ruling the Control Authority of a Service Robot based on Information Precision, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2018, Open Access Link
- F. Farina, A. Garulli, A. Giannitrapani, Distributed interpolatory algorithms for set membership estimation, April 2018 Open Access Link
- A. Qammaz, D. Michel and A.A. Argyros, A Hybrid Method for 3D Pose Estimation of Personalized Human Body Models, In IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2018), IEEE, pp. 456-465, Lake Tahoe, NV, USA, March 2018, Open Access Link
- M. Andreetto, P. Bevilacqua, S. Divan, D. Fontanelli, D. Macii, V. Magnago, L. Palopoli, F. Zenatti, Characterization of sensors for smart walker indoor localization, IV Convegno Nazionale Sensori, February 2018, Open Access Link
- V. Manousaki, K. Papoutsakis, A.A. Argyros, Evaluating Method Design Options for Action Classification based on Bags of Visual Words, In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2018), Scitepress, pp. 185-192, Madeira, Portugal, January 2018, Open Access Link
- M. Andreetto, S. Divan, F. Ferrari, D. Fontanelli, L. Palopoli , F. Zenatti, Simulating passivity for Robotic Walkers via Authority-Sharing, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, January 2018, Open Access Link
- P. Nazemzadeh, D. Fontanelli, D. Macii, L. Palopoli, Indoor Localization of Mobile Robots through QR Code Detection and Dead Reckoning Data Fusion, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 22(6):2588–2599, December 2017
- M. Rodas Britez, M. Marchese, L. Cernuzzi, Towards a Social and Physical Activities Recommendation System for Active Ageing, Iberdiscap 2017 – IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Tecnologías de Apoyo a la Discapacidad, November 2017, Congress memories
- V. Magnago, L. Palopoli, R. Passerone D. Fontanelli, D. Macii, A Nearly Optimal Landmark Deployment for Indoor Localisation with Limited Sensing, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), September 2017, Open Access Link, DOI: 10.1109/IPIN.2017.8115883
- M. Andreetto, S. Divan, D. Fontanelli, L. Palopoli, Path Following With Authority Sharing Between Humans and Passive Robotic Walkers Equipped With Low-Cost Actuators, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, October 2017
- M. Valdés Aragonés, P.A. Moreno, R. Pérez-Rodríguez, L. Rodríguez-Mañas, ACANTO: a robotic friendly walker, [poster] 13th Congress of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS), September 2017 Program
- M. Andreetto, S. Divan, D. Fontanelli, L. Palopoli, F. Zenatti, Path following for robotic rollators via simulated passivity, 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), September 2017
- K. Papoutsakis, C. Panagiotakis, A.A. Argyros, Temporal action co-segmentation in 3D motion capture data and videos, In IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017), July 2017, Open Access Link
- D. Michel, A. Qammaz and A.A. Argyros, Markerless 3D human pose estimation and tracking based on RGBD cameras: an experimental evaluation, In International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA 2017), June 2017. Open Access Link
- A. McNeill, P. Briggs, J. Pywell, L. Coventry, Functional privacy concerns of older adults about pervasive health-monitoring systems. In Proceedings of PETRA 2017, June 2017. Open Access Link
- A. McNeill, L. Coventry, J. Pywell, P. Briggs, Privacy Considerations when Designing Social Network Systems to Support Successful Ageing. In Proceedings of CHI 2017, May 2017. DOI:
- M. Andreetto, S. Divan, D. Fontanelli, L. Palopoli, Harnessing steering singularities in passive path following for robotic walkers, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2017
Luca Abeni, Daniele Fontanelli, Luigi Palopoli, Bernardo Villalba Frias. A Markovian model for the computation time of real-time applications. In Proc. IEEE Int. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Torin, Italy, May 2017. Open Access Link
Bernardo Villalba Frias, Luigi Palopoli, Luca Abeni, Daniele Fontanelli. Probabilistic Real–Time Guarantees: There is life beyond the i.i.d. assumption. In Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS). Pittsburgh, USA, April 2017. Open Access Link
- D. Xu, Y. Yan, E. Ricci, N. Sebe, Detecting Anomalous Events in Videos by Learning Deep Representations of Appearance and Motion, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 156:117-127, March 2017, DOI: Open Access Link
- F. Farina, D. Fontanelli, A. Garulli, A. Giannitrapani, D. Prattichizzo, Walking Ahead: the Headed Social Force Model, Plos One, 12(1), e0169734, January 2017, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169734, Open Access Link
- Michela Cozza, Antonella De Angeli, Linda Tonolli. Ubiquitous technologies for older people. December, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s00779-017-1003-7 ,
Open Access Link - Marco Andreetto, Stefano Divan, Daniele Fontanelli, Luigi Palopoli, Hybrid Feedback Path Following for Robotic Walkers via Bang-Bang Control Actions. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), December 2016, DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2016.7799011, Open Access Link
- Marco Frego, Paolo Bevilacqua, Enrico Bertolazzi, Francesco Biral, Daniele Fontanelli, Luigi Palopoli, Trajectory Planning for Car–like Vehicles: a Modular Approach, In IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 2016, DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2016.7798270
- F. Farina, D. Fontanelli, A. Garulli, A. Giannitrapani, D. Prattichizzo, When Helbing Meets Laumond: The Headed Social Force Model., 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 2016, DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2016.7798802, Open Access Link
- M. Aggravi, G. Salvietti, D. Prattichizzo, Haptic wrist guidance using vibrations for Human-Robot teams., 2016 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), November 2016. DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2016.7745098, Open Access Link
- P. Nazemzadeh; D. Fontanelli; D. Macii, Optimal Placement of Landmarks for Indoor Localization using Sensors with a Limited Range., Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2016 International Conference on, November 2016 DOI: 10.1109/IPIN.2016.7743631, Open Access Link
- F. Moro, A. De Angeli, D. Fontanelli, R. Passerone, D. Prattichizzo, L. Rizzon, S. Scheggi, S. Targher, L. Palopoli, Sensory stimulation for human guidance in robot walkers: a comparison between haptic and acoustic solutions., 2016 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), October 2016, DOI: 10.1109/ISC2.2016.7580811, Open Access Link
- S. Scheggi, M. Aggravi, D. Prattichizzo, Cooperative Navigation for Mixed Human–Robot Teams Using Haptic Feedback., IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, October 2016, DOI: 10.1109/THMS.2016.2608936, Open Access Link
- Fabiano Zenatti, Daniele Fontanelli, Luigi Palopoli, David Macii, and Payam Nazemzadeh, Optimal Placement of Passive Sensors for Robot Localisation. In Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System, October 2016. DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759675, Open Link Access
- Marco Andreetto, Stefano Divan, Daniele Fontanelli, Luigi Palopoli, Passive Robotic Walker Path Following with Bang-Bang Hybrid Control Paradigm, In Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System , October 2016. DOI:, Open Access Link
- Paolo Bevilacqua, Marco Frego, Enrico Bertolazzi, Daniele Fontanelli, Luigi Palopoli, Francesco Biral, Path Planning maximising Human Comfort for Assistive Robots. In IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), September 2016, DOI: 10.1109/CCA.2016.7588006, Open Access Link
- G. Karvounas, I. Oikonomidis and A.A. Argyros, Localizing periodicity in time series and videos, In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2016), September 2016. DOI: Open Access Link
- D. Kosmopoulos, K. Papoutsakis, A.A. Argyros, A framework for online segmentation and classification of modeled actions performed in the context of unmodeled ones, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), IEEE, July 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2016.2589678
- L. Coventry, P. Briggs, A. McNeill, Mobile Technology for Older Adults: Protector, Motivator or Threat? 2016 HCI International Conference, June 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-39943-0_41.
- Y. Yan, E. Ricci, R. Subramanian, G. Liu, O. Lanz, N. Sebe, A Multi-task Learning Framework for Head Pose Estimation under Target Motion, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, June 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2015.2477843, Open Access Link
- P. Panteleris, A.A. Argyros, Monitoring and interpreting human motion to support clinical applications of a smart walker, In Workshop on Human Motion Analysis for Healthcare Applications (HMAHA 2016), May 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-33464-6 Open Access Link
- McNeill, A. & Coventry, L. “Even in a group I’ll not tell them all”: Understanding privacy concerns of older adults for designing online social networks. In Markus Garschall, Theo Hamm, Dominik Hornung, Claudia Müller, Katja Neureiter, Marén Schorch, Lex van Velsen (Eds.), International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI), Proceedings of the COOP 2016 – Symposium on challenges and experiences in designing for an ageing society. Reflecting on concepts of age(ing) and communication practices. May 2016. Open Access Link
- Antonella De Angeli, Michela Cozza, Mladjan Jovanovic, Linda Tonolli, Mark Mushiba, Andrew McNeill, Lynne Coventry. Understanding Motivations in Designing for Older Adults, May 2016 Proceedings of the COOP 2016 – Symposium on challenges and experiences in designing for an ageing society. Reflecting on concepts of age(ing) and communication practices. May 2016. Open Access Link
- Daniele Fontanelli, David Macii, Payam Nazemzadeh, and Luigi Palopoli, Collaborative Localization of Robotic Wheeled Walkers using Interlaced Extended Kalman Filters. In Proc. IEEE Int. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), May 2016, DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2016.7520443, Open Access Link
- L. Abeni, D. Fontanelli, L. Palopoli, B. Villalba Frías, Probabilistic analysis of bufferless pipelines of real-time tasks., ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, April 2016. DOI:, Open Access Link
- F. Chinello, C. Pacchierotti, N. G. Tsagarakis, D. Prattichizzo, Design of a Wearable Skin Stretch Cutaneous Device for the Upper Limb, Proc. IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), April 2016. DOI: , Open Access Link
- F. Moro, D. Fontanelli, R. Passerone, D. Prattichizzo, L. Rizzon, S. Scheggi, S. Targher, A. De Angeli, L. Palopoli, Follow, listen, feel and go: alternative guidance system for a walking assistance device, Technical Report, January 2016. Open Access Link
- D. Fontanelli, A. Giannitrapani, L. Palopoli, D. Prattichizzo, A passive guidance system for a robotic walking assistant using brakes, IEEE 54th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2015:829-834, December 2015. DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2015.7402332, Open Acces Link
- S. Tulyakov, R. Vieriu, E. Sangineto, N. Sebe, FaceCept3D: Real Time 3D Face Tracking and Analysis, The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, December 2015. DOI:, Open Access Link
- S. Wakolbinger, J. Birchbauer, S. Küberl Gait Analysis on the move: The Infinite Gait Walkway, ET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living — TechAAL 2015, November 2015. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.45591, Open Access Link
- X. Alameda-Pineda, J. Staiano, R. Subramanian, L. Batrinca, E. Ricci, B. Lepri, O. Lanz, N. Sebe, SALSA: A Novel Dataset for Multimodal Group Behavior Analysis., IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, October 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2015.2496269, Open Access Link
- M. Aggravi, S. Scheggi, D. Prattichizzo, Evaluation of a predictive approach in steering the human locomotion via haptic feedback. IROS 2015: 597-602, October 2015. DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2015.7353433, Open Access Link
- X. Alameda-Pineda, Y. Yan, E. Ricci, O. Lanz and N. Sebe, Analyzing Free-standing Conversational Groups: A Multimodal Approach, MM ’15 Proceedings of the 23rd ACM international conference on Multimedia, 5-14, October 2015. DOI: 10.1145/2733373.2806238
- A. Colombo, D. Fontanelli, A. Legay, L. Palopoli, S. Sedwards, Efficient customisable dynamic motion planning for assistive robots in complex human environments. JAISE 7, September 2015. DOI: 10.3233/AIS-150338, Open Access Link
- Luca Rizzon, Federico Moro, Roberto Passerone, David Macii, Daniele Fontanelli, Payam Nazemzadeh, Michele Corrà, Luigi Palopoli, Domenico Prattichizzo, c-Walker: A Cyber-Physical System for Ambient Assisted Living. In Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society – Springer, August 2015,DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20227-3_10, Open Access Link
- A. McNeill, L. Coventry, An Appraisal-Based Approach to the Stigma of Walker-Use, Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Aging, Volume 9193 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 250-261, July 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20892-3_25 Open Access Link
- L. Palopoli, D. Fontanelli, L. Abeni, Bernardo Villalba Frías, An Analytical Solution for Probabilistic Guarantees of Reservation Based Soft Real-Time Systems, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (Volume: 27, Issue: 3), 640 – 653, March 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TPDS.2015.2416732, Open Access Link,
Public Deliverables (approved by the EC)
WP1: User Centric Design
- D1.1 Lynne Coventry, Andrew McNeill, Jake Pywell, Privacy Report, download
- D1.3 Antonella De Angeli, Maria Paola Paladino, Lynne Coventry, Stefano Targher, Andrew McNeill, Motivation and persuasion report, download
- D1.5 Andrew McNeill, Lynne Coventry, Longitudinal Tracking – Diary Study, download
- D1.6 Andrew McNeill, Lynne Coventry, Ignacio Peinado, Cristina Sandoval, Maria Julia Silla, User Requirements, downloads
- D1.7 Andrew McNeill, Mladjan Jovanovic, Mark Mushiba, Lynne Coventry, Antonella De Angeli, Rodrigo Perez, Myriam Valdes Aragones, User requirements refinement report, download
- D1.8 Mladjan Jovanovic, Antonella De Angeli, Andrew McNeill, Lynne Coventry, Scott Houghton (UNAN), Design workshop report, download part1 part2 part3
- D1.9 Andrew McNeill, Lynne Coventry, Mladjan Jovanovic, Francesco Ferrari, Antonella De Angeli, Prototype Evaluation Report, download
WP2: Modelling
- D2.2 Daniele Fontanelli, Francesco Farina, Andrea Garulli, Antonello Giannitrapani, Sean Sedwards, Thomas Given, Human motion models, download
- D2.4 Ivo Ramos (ATOS), Ingo Brauckhoff (ATOS), Paolo Bevilacqua, Luigi Palopoli, Pashalis Padeleris, User, activity and environmental description: Final release models for user, activity and environment, download
- D2.6 Paolo Bevilacqua, Daniele Fontanelli, Marco Frego, Thomas Given-Wilson, Sean Sedwards, Activity plans representation, download
WP3: Perception of Users and Environment
- D3.1 Johannes Scheiblauer, Pashalis Padeleris, Sergey Tulyakov, David Macii, Daniele Fontanelli, Josef Alois Birchbauer, User perception and platform localization: First results on holistic user awareness and FriWalk localization, download
- D3.2 Radu L. Vieru, Daniele Fontanelli, David Macii, Payam Nazemzadeh, Pashalis Padeleris, Stefan Wakolbinger, Johannes Scheiblauer, Josef Alois Birchbauer, User state modelling and collaborative platform localisation, download part1 part2 part3 part4 part5
- D3.6 Radu-Laurentiu Vieriu, Interpreting the social context (final): Interpretation of the social context from the platform view and site-wide social context, download
WP4: Conception of Social Activities
- D4.2 Maurizio Marchese, Marcelo Dario Rodas Britez, Ivo Ramos(ATOS), Ingo Brauckhoff (ATOS), User Profile Repository, download
- D4.4 Ivo Ramos (ATOS), Ingo Brauckhoff (ATOS), Maurizio Marchese, Social Activity Repository, download
- D4.5 Ivo Ramos, Cesar Mediavilla, Maurizio Marchese, Marcelo Rodas, User communities creations based on user’s profile matching (static profile): social network creation and evolution in older adults communities, download
- D4.6 Maurizio Marchese, Marcelo Dario Rodas Britez, Ivo Ramos(ATOS), Ingo Brauckhoff (ATOS), User communities’ creations based on user’s profile matching (dynamic and adaptive profile), download
- D4.8 Ivo Ramos (ATOS), Ingo Brauckhoff (ATOS), Maurizio Marchese, Social activity recommendations: Definition of the Social Activities recommendation system, download
- D4.9 Ivo Ramos (ATOS), Ingo Brauckhoff(ATOS), Maurizio Marchese, Social Activity Monitor, download
WP5: Execution Support of Social Activities
- D5.1 Sean Sedwards, Thomas Given-Wilson, Axel Legay, User reactive planning, download
- D5.2 Paolo Bevilacqua, Luigi Palopoli, Marco Frego, Reactive Planning, download
- D5.4 Paolo Bevilacqua, Luigi Palopoli, Marco Frego, Activity Planning, download
- D5.6 Paolo Bevilacqua, Marco Frego, Thomas Given-Wilson, Axel Legay, Sean Sedwards, Activity monitor: Algorithms for user activity monitor, download
WP6: Design of Robotic Personal Devices
- D6.4 Tommaso Lisini Baldi, Marco Aggravi, Domenico Prattichizzo, Algorithms for cutaneous feedback and wearable haptics, download part1 part2 part3 part4
WP7: Cloud Infrastructure and Integration
- D7.1 Gian Piero Fici, Luigi Palopoli, Carlos Rivera, Ivo Ramos, Software interfaces, download
WP8: Experimental Validation
- D8.2 Rodrigo Pérez-Rodríguez (SERMAS), Pedro A. Moreno-Sánchez (SERMAS), Myriam Valdés-Aragonés (SERMAS), Andrew McNeill (UNAN), Clinical Validation Plan, download
WP9: Exploitation and Dissemination
- D9.1 Cristina Sandoval, Josef Alois Birchbauer, Marco Aggravi, Lynne Coventry, Sean Sedwards, Ignacio Peinado, Stefano Targher, César Mediavilla and Antonis Argyros, First annual dissemination report, download part1 | part2
- D9.2 Luigi Palopoli, Josef Alois Birchbauer, Marco Aggravi, Lynne Coventry, Sean Sedwards, Rodrigo Pérez, César Mediavilla and Antonis Argyros, Second Annual Dissemination Report, download
- D9.7 Luigi Palopoli, Website, download