The main objective of WP8 is to test the feasibility and to evaluate the clinical validity of the robotic system for rehabilitation and assess its impact in enhancing social inclusion of the older population that benefit of using a walker. That includes demonstrating that by using the walker the older adult can improve walking (duration, distance, speed and gait characteristics) through quantitative measures along time. Besides, by self-assessed questionnaire WP8 will validate the satisfaction and expected impact in terms of improvement of the social inclusion of this collective. The expected impact is to improve older people’s autonomy and reduce careers implication, reducing the burden of dependency and its highly associated costs. This work package includes six specific objectives:
Objective 8.1:
Test the feasibility of the robotic system in the older adult (and their carers) domain.
Objective 8.2:
Design the clinical validation and assessment of social inclusion of the FriWalk, including the target population, the scenarios and the variables to be assessed.
Objective 8.3:
Evaluate the clinical benefits of the robotic walker by using quantitative measures in a sufficient number of patients to obtain significant results.
Objective 8.4:
Assess the utility of the robotic walker to improve autonomy of the older population and to reduce careers need.
Objective 8.5:
Assure the timely progress of the validation providing all study materials, requirements and
monitoring the recruitment and follow-up.
Objective 8.6:
Analysis of results and evidence based report on the utility and validity of the FriWalk.